Monday 16 February 2009

BNP Membership

Having a membership to the BNP should not be deemed illegal however hideous the official partyline. Surely the membership details of BNP members being uncovered over the last couple of days should act as a wake up call to the main political parties to stop saturating thier poltical discourse with popularist policy and ineffective election campaigns. Having a membership to the BNP or any other political party should never be made illegal because if it is it goes against the very principles in which we fought agianst political extremism in the first place,to exercise our right to political freedom and the right to speak freely without the fear of persecution. What the main political parties don't realise is that if you consistently focus your attentions on a particular set of voters there will be a large sect of society left behind, normally the ones who have just lost their job and their house and are looking for someone to blame. The fact that the BNP have a surge in popularity in places such as Stoke isn't a sign of what the BNP can do for them more so a case of what Labour and the Conservatives can't. Denying people of their right to belong is a fundamental error, people are now educated enough to know that the BNP spout nonsense without censoring and making people scapegoats for falling for a party who are giving the people what they want. One more thing, and I find this frustrating to the point where its nearly upsetting. The fact that the Russel Brand/Johnathon Ross scandal was brought up in Parliament and the escalating crisis in The Democratic Republic of Congo wasn't makes me sick. You fucking people need to open your eyes.

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