Tuesday 17 February 2009

A national weather obsession!?

Weather obsession

So what’s wrong with being completely obsessed with the weather? I can think of a myriad of other obsessions that are much unhealthier and have at least one negative repercussion upon society! All that happens when you are obsessed with the weather is that you get to now each BBC weatherman by their first name and know when to wear a big coat, it’s completely harmless! Oddly enough by watching and checking so many weather reports you get to associate yourself with a favourite style of presentation whether, for example, they glide their hand smoothly over the screen in one sweeping motion resembling the intent of the next mid-Atlantic depression. Or they could do that other very British thing where they fist their hand into a ball and start jabbing very slowly at some peculiar part of the country that is about to receive half of its annual rainfall in 45 seconds! Weathermen (and women!) are by association true eccentrics, no other public figures could get so animated and happy telling the nation the way it is in front of a giant blue wall. You can see the power in there eyes, the fact that for the next 2 and a half minutes nobody, not even Gordon Brown or Simon Cowell holds as much authority as they do. If this was the Costa del Sol or even Germany the weatherman would be just as ignored as any other TV scientist but this isn’t South Spain this is Britain, where the predictions of the madcap weatherman over 2 and a half minutes can spark a million conversation nationwide about precipitation levels. As a nation we are, whether you admit it or not, completely obsessed with the weather. I for one, admittedly, am such a person. My daily routine consists of getting up and checking both BBC and the ludicrously poor ITV weather reports then getting to work and checking at least six other websites before I can even think about shouting at teenagers. Medically, this can probably be called obsessive compulsive but in my eyes its just another fundamental aspect of our genetic make-up, we all weathermen at heart.

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